import uxarray as ux
import geoviews.feature as gf
import as ccrs
import holoviews as hv
import warnings
import geocat.datafiles as geodf
plot_opts = {"width": 700, "height": 350}
When working with large grids, it is often desired to obtain a smaller version, typically zoomed into a region of interest. UXarray supports this through grid-informed subsetting operations. This section will discuss the types of ways to subset a grid:
Nearest Neighbor
Bounding Box
Bounding Circle
In this example, we will be using the geocat-datafiles
package to obtain our grid and data files. The dataset used in this example is a 30km global MPAS meshes. We will be investigating the relative humidity vertically interpolated to 200hPa (relhum200hPa
) data variable.
datafiles = (
uxds = ux.open_dataset(datafiles[1], datafiles[0])
clim = (uxds["relhum_200hPa"][0].values.min(), uxds["relhum_200hPa"][0].values.max())
features = gf.coastline(
projection=ccrs.PlateCarree(), line_width=1, scale="50m"
) * gf.states(projection=ccrs.PlateCarree(), line_width=1, scale="50m")
Global Grid#
Many unstructured grids, such as those from global climate models, span the entire surface of a sphere. UXarray supports working with these global grids, handling cases that arise with the spherical geometry of the earth (wrap around at the antimeridian, pole points, etc.)
rasterize=True, periodic_elements="exclude", title="Global Grid", **plot_opts
) * features